Make a request

Guidance for members of the public on how to make a request.

Overview of legislation at the University which allows you to access information.

How to make a freedom of information request for information held by the University of Edinburgh

Data protection law gives you the right to request the information the University holds about you, such as comments on examination scripts, and references.

The University has a number of subsidiary companies, which are each responsible for their own freedom of information and data protection compliance.

If you did not receive the information or level of service that you expected, or are otherwise dissatisfied with the University's handling of your request, you can complain to the University.

When you submit a request for information to the University of Edinburgh under freedom of information, data protection or environmental information legislation, you provide information about yourself and the information you wish to receive. This privacy notice describes how we use the information the University holds about you to process your request.

Information sheet to help prepare applicants for receiving a response to an information request, where it is being provided through our secure document store in Microsoft’s Office 365 SharePoint application.