Information available under freedom of information legislation about Finance. Annual accounts The University's annual reports and financial statements. Budgetary allocations Policies and procedures for making budgetary allocations to major budgetary units. Budgets overview Summary of overall budget and budgetary allocations to major budgetary units. Financial regulations The University's Financial regulations. Funding body statistical reports and returns Information that the institution is legally obliged to make available to its funding body: SFC statistical returns. Insurance Information about cover for the University of Edinburgh's buildings, contents, motor vehicles, travel and legal liabilities. Investments Summarised information on institutional endowments and other investments. Research funding sources Statistical information about funding from Research Councils, research charities and other major bodies. Senior staff expenses Information about the expenses of senior staff. Senior staff remuneration Information about the pay of senior staff. Subsidiary companies Companies which are wholly owned by the University. This article was published on 2024-05-06