Information legislation

Overview of legislation at the University which allows you to access information.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives you the right to request any recorded information held by the University which is not about you personally and not about the environment, such as minutes of meetings, records of expenditure, and research reports. This Act refers to you as an applicant.

Environmental Information Regulations

The Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 give you the right to request any recorded environmental information held by the University, such as environmental research, information on emissions, or policies on environmental topics.

These regulations refer to you as an applicant. To make a request under this legislation follow the same procedure as for freedom of information requests.

The Scottish Information Commissioner regulates compliance with freedom of information legislation and the Environmental Information Regulations, and provides independent advice to applicants.

Data protection law

Data protection law gives you the right to request the personal information the University holds about you, such as graduation records, comments on examination scripts, and references.

Data protection law refers to you as a data subject, and the information the University holds about you is known as personal data. Your request is known as a subject access request.

The Information Commissioner regulates compliance with data protection law, and provides independent advice to data subjects