Practitioner induction: information request handling

Details of the freedom of information induction designed for new information practitioners.

Course objectives

Designed for new information practitioners, this course introduces the University's obligations to respond to freedom of information and subject access requests. The course gives participants an opportunity to formulate practical strategies for achieving compliance with information requests received in their own areas of the University.

The course objectives are:

  • To introduce new practitioners to their role.
  • To recognise information requests.
  • To introduce the procedures for handling information requests.
  • To gain an understanding of the role of exemptions.
  • To gain an understanding of the charging regime.
  • To be able to advise staff in your unit in the handling of information requests.

Target audience

Normally this course is reserved for new practitioners.

Other staff may be able to attend if the training is relevant to their role. Please contact us if you would like to attend but are not a practitioner.


None. However, prior to the course participants are asked to read the following:

Course duration

3 hours

How to book

You can book training through the events channel if you are a new practitioner and a session is available. If a session is not available on MyEd, please contact us, as we run training based on demand.

Events booking channel practitioner training


Download the handouts for this training: